At a time when customer knowledge and its ability to monetize it have become major challenges for many sectors of activity, the banking sector and private management in particular is still lagging behind.

KYC (Know Your Customer) has been dealt with for too long from a regulatory perspective in private banks. Private bankers are often reluctant to feed their customers’ information into a CRM, which severely limits the possibilities for using customer data. This situation is not inevitable, however.

The fundamental and very common mistake is to approach CRM deployment projects from an IT perspective and to focus project efforts on building the customer data catalog. 70% of CRM projects fail because the tools are rejected by the main users, namely private managers.

A customer knowledge project must be centered on the private manager, his way of working, his customer information needs, his individual and collective objectives and above all must be the backbone of the customer journeys that the private bank wishes to offer to its customers.

Beyond CRM, new technologies and especially Machine Learning are very effective in identifying high potential prospects, increasing the transformation rate during investment proposals and significantly reducing the attrition rate of the client portfolio.

Périclès Group supports private banks and private management players in managing their customer knowledge project. Our consulting actuarial firm has also developed high-performance machine learning algorithms to optimize business performance.

For more information, contact us.

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